Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Looks like I spoke too soon. We've just been kicked down a snake again. Of our four embryos, 'none are suitable for transfer.' I don't know if that's because they were all unbalanced or whether some did not survive the biopsy or whatever, because the guy telling me this news did not have any of that information. So I'm very hacked off. In addition, our 'follow up appointment' is not for another four weeks. Four weeks wait to get more information. It can't change what's happened, but it would be nice to know the details. This whole thing has been another spectacular waste of time... and of hope.


  1. Oh no. You must be so upset. Sending huggs.

  2. aww hun as you may remember the same happened to me, all 4 tested with the translocation. My follow up was 6 weeks later & even then there wasnt anything they could do to help xx

  3. So sorry to hear this news! :-( Hugs!

  4. Thanks so much for your comments. This BT is so lousy. I know the odds of getting a good'un are low, as MrsM found out (and i've read lots and lots of similar accounts sadly), but you always hope you're going to get at least one good one. Sadly no gold Olympic medal for us. Hope we get one before Rio in four years though!
