Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Unfortunately, I tested today and it was negative. These embryos haven't taken sadly. Numb at the moment.


  1. So sorry to hear this! Sending hugs! :-(

  2. So sorry to hear. I also tried IVF with PGD (aCGH) again. Of 21 eggs retrieved, 14 were mature, 12 fertilized, 11 made it to biopsy on day 3, and 1 good embryo. I got positive HCG levels, very high. Then there was no heartbeat on the first or second scan. So they are declaring a miscarriage, they don't know why. This was IVF #5 for us. I have no idea what to do now. I turn 35 next month.

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that. It's hard enough to get one good embie with BT, and for it not to take when you do get a good one is wretched.
